The White Shoe Irregular:
It was fun while it lasted.

Translations of Romanian Sayings that Employ the Word "Tail"

William Morris

1. Din coadă de câine sită de mătase nu se face
From the tail of a dog a sieve of silk can not be made

2. Nu e numai un câine scurt de coadă
There is not only one dog short at the tail

3. Nu te juca cu coada ursului
Do not play with the tail of a bear

4. Pestele de la cap se impute, dar de la coada se curata
The fish from the head begins to stink, but you clean it from the tail

5. Tot boul l-am mâncat si la coadă m-am ostenit
The entire cow I ate and I fatigued myself on the tail

6. Cu lingura îti dă dulceată si cu coada îti scoate ochii
With the tongue he gives you sweetness and with the tail he plucks out your eyes

7. Ce? Tu crezi că în America câini se duc pe strada cu covrigi pe coada?
What? You think that in America dogs go around in the streets with pretzels on their tails?